Annual Kermes Celebration

Our annual Kermes Celebration will occur on May 31st from 8 am to 5 pm. We will have food, drinks, treats, snacks and more! We welcome our community to join us for a day full of fun festivities and help us fundraise for our bountiful church groups at the same time. Tickets will be sold outside of our offices.


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Seminario de Vida En El Espiritu

From April 27th to 28th, 8 am to 5 pm at 402 S Imperial Ave Brawley,CA at the Salon del Sagrado Corazon. Donation amount is 20 dollars for two days and includes food being provided. For more info call (442) 270-9830 / (760) 997-3294.

Mother’s Day Novena

The Mother’s Day Novena will start on May 10th. Envelopes for this novena are available at church.

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